Studies on the particulation and percolation in ultrafine ceramic reinforced barrier layers
Discusses the particulation of organic barrier layers, based on laboratory‐bench data, obtained from the exposure of painted panels in low, high or neutral pHelectrolytes. It also discusses their compatibility with the succeeding and preceding layers and the galvanic interactions at the layer substrate interfaces. Aspects like substrate effect, leaching of the micaceous iron powder, role of high temperature and hydrodynamic disturbances and distribution of ultrafine particulates have been highlighted using potential versus time plot, AAS data, and galvanic current measurements and XRD analysis. Exposure tests conducted under ambient conditions and under very strong hydrodynamic disturbances, revealed superior properties of the SiC particulated epoxy based barrier layers.
Mukherjee, D., Mahata, R., Anand Venkatesh, S., Ganesh, V., Anandharaj, T., Sarkar, A., Mathiyarasu, J. and Palaniswamy, N. (2000), "Studies on the particulation and percolation in ultrafine ceramic reinforced barrier layers", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 93-99.
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