A software architecture for reconstructability analysis
Software packages for reconstructability analysis (RA), as well as for related log linear modeling, generally provide a fixed set of functions. Such packages are suitable for end‐users applying RA in various domains, but do not provide a platform for research into the RA methods themselves. A new software system, Occam3, is being developed which is intended to address three goals which often conflict with one another to provide: a general and flexible infrastructure for experimentation with RA methods and algorithms; an easily‐configured system allowing methods to be combined in novel ways, without requiring deep software expertise; and a system which can be easily utilized by domain researchers who are not computer specialists. Meeting these goals has led to an architecture which strictly separates functions into three layers: the core, which provides representation of data sets, relations, and models; the management layer, which provides extensible objects for development of new algorithms; and the script layer, which allows the other facilities to be combined in novel ways to address a particular domain analysis problem.
Willett, K. and Zwick, M. (2004), "A software architecture for reconstructability analysis", Kybernetes, Vol. 33 No. 5/6, pp. 997-1008. https://doi.org/10.1108/03684920410534047
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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