Developing self‐awareness in the managerial career development process: the value of 360‐degree feedback and the MBTI
Proposes that a crucial component of the career development process is what is termed “managerial self‐awareness” (MSA). To‐date relatively little has been written about self‐awareness, particularly in the literature on managerial career development. Specifically explores the concept of self‐awareness in the context of managerial career development. The importance of self‐awareness in the managerial career development processes is examined and the relationship between self‐awareness and managerial success is also considered. The findings of a qualitative study conducted to investigate the effectiveness of two instruments used to enhance self‐awareness are reported. One of the characteristics of effective managerial career development is the creation of self‐awareness in the learner. 360‐degree feedback and personality inventories are considered useful tools in this respect.
McCarthy, A.M. and Garavan, T.N. (1999), "Developing self‐awareness in the managerial career development process: the value of 360‐degree feedback and the MBTI", Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 23 No. 9, pp. 437-445.
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