Contemporary HRD research: a triarchy of theoretical perspectives and their prescriptions for HRD
Addresses some of the key debates within the HRD literature and considers the extent to which HRD can be described as a field of study. The paper addresses the issues raised in the contributions that make up this special issue and identifies a broad range of methodologies and use of research methods. It argues that all of the contributions fit into at least one theoretical perspective: capabilities, psychological contacts and the learning organization/organizational learning. The paper concludes with a consideration of the prescriptions which the perspectives advocate for HRD in organizations.
Garavan, T.N., Gunnigle, P. and Morley, M. (2000), "Contemporary HRD research: a triarchy of theoretical perspectives and their prescriptions for HRD", Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 24 No. 2/3/4, pp. 65-93.
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