Freeman, M. (2008), "CILIP Yearbook 2007‐2008", New Library World, Vol. 109 No. 7/8, pp. 396-396.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
One of the recognised hallmarks of a well‐established and well‐run profession is the existence of a regular and comprehensive professional handbook. So it is a pleasure to see the annual emergence of the CILIP Yearbook in a handy softback format. It has the standard features of a professional “vade mecum” – the lengthy bureaucratic minutiae of regulations for running a professional body; the detailed bye‐laws and, of course, the Royal Charter in all its quaint flummery.
Of interest and value to its users is the Yearbook's substantial professional register listing all the organisational members, personal members and overseas members – arranged alphabetically and with qualifications appended and position held. An interesting feature is the well written historical information section, where the tangled history of the UK LIS profession is recounted together with its epic struggles to unify the profession leading to the present enlarged and influential body that CILIP has become (although I still do not like the name!).
Of interest are the lists of honorary award winners – the great and the good, including, I note, one Melvil Dewey in 1896. There is a useful list of Carnegie Medal and Kate Greenaway Award winners and several other lists of specialist awards and medal winners. The section on special interest groups gives useful information on the role of each group (eg Prison Libraries Group, CDG), its main officers and web sites. The geographical branches of CILIP are covered similarly. Of interest too is the section dealing with professional ethics, codes of practice and the disciplinary regulations – all essential components of a true profession. Detailed regulations for qualifications and revalidation are included in the Yearbook and there is a good, clear index.
All in all, the Yearbook will be of most use and value to the practising LIS professional and should also be of interest and relevance to LIS students. A well‐produced and essential reference work for the whole LIS profession.