Explaining export development through psychic distance
Comments on a previous article published in IMR by Stöttinger and Schlegelmilch. The article examined the explanatory power of the psychic distance concept in terms of export development and organisational performance. Argues that while Stöttinger and Schlegelmilch make several important contributions to the internationalisation literature, two particular aspects of the article merit further comment. States that the authors do not fully operationalise the psychic distance concept and proposes an alternative interpretation of their results which challenges the intuitively appealing assumptions of the internationalisation process.
Evans, J., Treadgold, A. and Mavondo, F. (2000), "Explaining export development through psychic distance", International Marketing Review, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 164-169. https://doi.org/10.1108/02651330010322688
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