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The method of fundamental solutions with dual reciprocity for three‐dimensional thermoelasticity under arbitrary body forces

C.C. Tsai (Department of Information Technology, Toko University, Pu‐Tzu City, Taiwan)

Engineering Computations

ISSN: 0264-4401

Article publication date: 10 April 2009




The purpose of this paper is to develop a meshless numerical method for three‐dimensional isotropic thermoelastic problems with arbitrary body forces.


This paper combines the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) and the dual reciprocity method (DRM) as a meshless numerical method (MFS‐DRM) to solve three‐dimensional isotropic thermoelastic problems with arbitrary body forces. In the DRM, the arbitrarily distributed temperature and body force are approximated by polyharmonic splines with augmented polynomial basis, whose particular solutions and the corresponding tractions are reviewed and given explicitly. The MFS is then applied to solve the complementary solution. Numerical experiments of Dirchlet, Robin, and peanut‐shaped‐domain problems are carried out to validate the method.


In literature, it is commented that the Gaussian elimination can be used reliably to solve the MFS equations for non‐noisy boundary conditions. For noisy boundary conditions, the truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) is more accurate than the Gaussian elimination. In this paper, it was found that the particular solutions obtained by the DRM act like noises and the use of TSVD improves the accuracy.


It is the first time that the MFS‐DRM is derived to solve three‐dimensional isotropic thermoelastic problems with arbitrary body forces.



Tsai, C.C. (2009), "The method of fundamental solutions with dual reciprocity for three‐dimensional thermoelasticity under arbitrary body forces", Engineering Computations, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 229-244.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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