P/OM as a Career
In an attempt to understand student attitudes better towards P/OM (production and operations management) classes and P/OM careers, a pre‐and post‐class survey was administered to students enrolled in a required MBA‐level P/OM class. Findings indicate that students do not fully understand P/OM issues or how the P/OM functional area relates strategically to other organisational areas. Students had almost no interest in P/OM careers, and before participating in the strategically‐focused class, students had little desire to include a P/OM class in their core MBA course requirements. Results of this study may explain general attitudes towards P/OM as well as the declining number of students choosing P/OM as a major. Suggestions for changing these attitudes are discussed.
Helms, M.M. (1991), "P/OM as a Career", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 91 No. 4, pp. 8-11. https://doi.org/10.1108/02635579110144615
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