A framework for a hybrid intelligent system in support of marketing strategy development
A framework for a hybrid intelligent support system is proposed, on the basis of a discussion of the main problems of current computer‐based support systems and the roles for computer‐based systems in developing marketing strategy. The objectives of the framework are: to integrate the strengths of different support techniques and technologies; to assist strategic analysis; to couple strategic analysis with managers’ judgement; to help managers deal with uncertainty; and to aid strategic thinking. Within this framework, the benefits of different strategic analysis models are combined to offer enhanced support for a logical sequence of strategic analysis, while the advantages of diverse support techniques and technologies are integrated and fitted to support different aspects of the marketing strategy development process. As well as the theoretical basis for the proposed framework, the paper also examines the associated technical issues.
Li, S., Duan, Y., Kinman, R. and Edwards, J.S. (1999), "A framework for a hybrid intelligent system in support of marketing strategy development", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 70-79. https://doi.org/10.1108/02634509910260922
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