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Satisfactory housing standards?

Hilary Davies (Principal Lecturer in Construction Technology and Course Director for the MSc in Rehabilitation Studies within the School of Surveying of Thames Polytechnic)

Structural Survey

ISSN: 0263-080X

Article publication date: 1 February 1992



Reiterates the standard for fitness of human habitation set by the 1989 revision of the 1985 Housing Act, section 604, and the major changes brought about by the revision, (including hot and cold water supply to both sink basin and bath or shower, and ventilation standards). Suggests changes in the standard have caused a rise in the number of technically ′unfit′ properties from 5.6 per cent to up to 15 per cent of the UK′s housing stock. Concludes by questioning the need for and use of housing standards, suggesting that the market might more effectively dictate standards in practice, excepting the poorest sectors of the community, where standards should be both set and rigourously enforced.



Davies, H. (1992), "Satisfactory housing standards?", Structural Survey, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 127-130.




Copyright © 1992, MCB UP Limited

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