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The relationship of vertical and horizontal individualism and collectivism to intrapreneurship and organizational commitment

Rebecca Abraham (Farquhar Center for Undergraduate Studies, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, USA)

Leadership & Organization Development Journal

ISSN: 0143-7739

Article publication date: 1 July 1997



Presents a study which derives relationships between the personality/cultural variables of vertical and horizontal individualism and collectivism, on the one hand, and the organizational criteria of intrapreneurship and organizational commitment on the other. Suggests that horizontal individualism may explain intrapreneurship jointly with a supportive organizational climate. Vertical collectivism demonstrates a direct positive relationship with organizational commitment. Horizontal collectivism varies jointly with work‐group and supervisor commitments in a negative relationship with organizational commitment, indicating a perception of conflict between work‐group and supervisor goals on the one hand and organizational goals on the other. Concludes that, while the basis of the vertical collectivist’s commitment seems unclear, horizontal collectivists base their commitment on compliance or rewards. Discusses theoretical and a few practical implications.



Abraham, R. (1997), "The relationship of vertical and horizontal individualism and collectivism to intrapreneurship and organizational commitment", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 18 No. 4, pp. 179-186.




Copyright © 1997, MCB UP Limited

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