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Job satisfaction and publication output among librarians in Nigerian universities

U.S. Edem (U.S. Edem is Senior Librarian and Head of the Research Library Division at the University of Calabar, Nigeria)
Olu Olat Lawal (Olu Olat Lawal is University Librarian at the University of Calabar, Nigeria)

Library Management

ISSN: 0143-5124

Article publication date: 1 February 1999



Survey data were used to determine the influence of job satisfaction on the publication output of librarians in Nigerian universities. A stratified random sampling method was used to select 202 librarians working in 22 out of the 35 university libraries in Nigeria. A multiple regression statistical analysis was employed to examine the influence of job satisfaction on publication output of librarians. The results of the empirical analysis indicate that of the six dimensions of job satisfaction used in the study, only three (librarians’ levels of satisfaction with their achievement responsibility and recognition) had a significant influence on their publication output. Other dimensions including salary, university library policies and administration, and supervision, had no significant influence on their publication output. The study also reveals that the intrinsic job satisfaction dimensions were the greatest influence on the quantity of publications among the sample population. This should be given top priority. However, the extrinsic job satisfaction dimensions which do not influence publication output should not be neglected, rather they could be improved to enhance job satisfaction and raise publication productivity.



Edem, U.S. and Olat Lawal, O. (1999), "Job satisfaction and publication output among librarians in Nigerian universities", Library Management, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 39-46.




Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited

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