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Hybrid library development at the University of Haifa Library

Jair de Marcas (Professional librarian at the University of Haifa Library, Israel)
Yosef Branse (Professional librarian at the University of Haifa Library, Israel)
Yael Golan (Professional librarian at the University of Haifa Library, Israel)
Iris Igra (Professional librarian at the University of Haifa Library, Israel)

Library Review

ISSN: 0024-2535

Article publication date: 1 June 2000



Describes the development of the hybrid library at the University of Haifa Library. This is an attempt to integrate disparate library resources such as the OPAC, online and networked databases, and electronic journals into a united system. Instead of separate terminals and workstations, access to library resources is facilitated through one Web interface allowing horizontal as well as vertical navigation. Additionally, linking from the library catalogue was realized. This article focuses on the goals, technology, and implementation of this scheme. The pilot project was a success, although a number of problems were detected. As a result, all workstations are being converted to the new framework.



de Marcas, J., Branse, Y., Golan, Y. and Igra, I. (2000), "Hybrid library development at the University of Haifa Library", Library Review, Vol. 49 No. 4, pp. 165-172.




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