International business and finance scholarship
International Business Scholarship: AIB Fellows on the First 50 Years and Beyond
ISBN: 978-0-7623-1470-6, eISBN: 978-1-84950-550-5
Publication date: 20 June 2008
This chapter explores how scholarly work in the fields of Finance and International Business (IB) can be mutually supportive. First, it is clear that technology has been a major driver of modern developments in both Finance and IB. Second, Finance can provide many insights into IB scholarship since it has much to say about firm operations and strategy. Third, IB scholarship with its focus on culture also provides significant opportunities for a better understanding of the global aspects of Finance. Finally, it is contended that transaction-costs economics provides an excellent theoretical and fundamental basis for bringing together IB concepts and Finance scholarship. However, while the potential for Finance and IB scholarship to contribute to each other is great, such advances must await the removal of cultural barriers between the two disciplines.
Aggarwal, R. (2008), "International business and finance scholarship", Boddewyn, J.J. (Ed.) International Business Scholarship: AIB Fellows on the First 50 Years and Beyond (Research in Global Strategic Management, Vol. 14), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 115-138.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited