Strategies for Public Management Reform
ISBN: 978-0-76231-031-9, eISBN: 978-1-84950-218-4
Publication date: 8 November 2004
The emergence of electronic government is reaching considerable proportions in the developed world. It would appear that this new reform is consigning everything that went before it to the wastepaper basket of oblivion. This, however, primarily applies to the intensity of the discussions of and the publications about the issue. The concrete results of virtually all empirical studies available on the net show that practical development lags distinctly behind the possibilities of e-government that are being discussed and proclaimed. Kinder (2002) surveys “tele-democracy” (the term he uses for e-government, K. S.) in 31 European cities covering 14 states and shows that progressive city administrations in Europe are early adopters of tele-democracy with a diffusion rate of 72%. He admits, however, that the selection of the cities that were examined displays a considerable bias: it was conducted on the basis of assumed best practice. Moon (2002) looked into the rhetoric and reality of e-government at the municipal level in the United States and concludes that e-government has been adopted by many municipal governments, but remains at an early stage and has not yielded many of the expected outcomes that the rhetoric of e-government has promised.
Schedler, K. and Schmidt, B. (2004), "6. MANAGING THE E-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION", Jones, L., Schedler, K. and Mussari, R. (Ed.) Strategies for Public Management Reform (Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 13), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 133-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0723-1318(04)13006-5
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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