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Lead lenders and loan pricing

Research in Finance

ISBN: 978-0-7623-1377-8, eISBN: 978-1-84950-549-9

Publication date: 4 March 2008


Prior research suggests that given the legal environment in the U.S., smaller syndicates with fewer lead banks should represent “best practices” to promote efficient monitoring and ease of renegotiation. Such syndicates should be associated with lower loan spreads. Controlling for other influences on loan pricing, we conduct tests of this proposition drawing on data from DealScan, Compustat and Federal Reserve Call Reports for U.S. loans between 1988 and 1999. Consistent with our hypothesis, the number of lead lenders is shown to have a significant positive influence on loan yield spreads.


Hao, L. and Roberts, G.S. (2008), "Lead lenders and loan pricing", Chen, A.H. (Ed.) Research in Finance (Research in Finance, Vol. 24), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 75-101.



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