Linking strategic choice with macro-organizational dynamics: strategy and social movement articulation
Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
ISBN: 978-1-84663-892-3, eISBN: 978-1-84663-893-0
Publication date: 17 December 2008
The renascent focus on strategy in social movement research has made important contributions to our understanding of organizational dynamics, but has not been systematically applied to relational dynamics within movements as a whole. We begin to bridge that gap by presenting a framework for mapping the relative strategic positions of multiple collective actors along two dimensions of strategic orientation: the depth of challenge promoted and the breadth of appeal cultivated. This framework integrates a wider range of collective actors into analyses, and identifies distinct movement roles and contributions associated with different strategic positions. More importantly, the framework facilitates analysis of the overall distribution of actors across a movement and the nature and extent of linkages among them – what we refer to as strategic articulation. Drawing on a breadth of secondary research, we identify characteristics of movement distributions that facilitate stronger articulation and draw out their implications for intramovement relational dynamics – such as the balance between cooperation and competition, and the extent to which flanks are integrated or isolated.
Downey, D.J. and Rohlinger, D.A. (2008), "Linking strategic choice with macro-organizational dynamics: strategy and social movement articulation", Coy, P.G. (Ed.) Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change (Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Vol. 28), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 3-38.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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