Information and Computer Security: Volume 29 Issue 5


Table of contents

Key competencies for critical infrastructure cyber-security: a systematic literature review

Nabin Chowdhury, Vasileios Gkioulos

The purpose of this paper can be encapsulated in the following points: identify the research papers published on the topic: competencies and skills necessary for critical…


Introducing the concept of cybersecurity footprint

Yair Levy, Ruti Gafni

This paper aims to introduce the concept of cybersecurity footprint.


Examining the relationship between e-government development, nation’s cyber-security commitment, business usage and economic prosperity: a cross-country analysis

Ben Krishna, Sebastian M.P.

This study aims to propose a model to examine the relationships between e-government development, cybersecurity commitment, business usage and economic prosperity of the country.

Validating an information privacy governance questionnaire to measure the perception of employees

Paulus Swartz, Adele Da Veiga, Nico Martins

This study aims to conduct a survey in a bank to measure the perception of employees towards the effective governance of information privacy and at the same time validating the…

Visualising personas as goal models to find security tensions

Shamal Faily, Claudia Iacob, Raian Ali, Duncan Ki-Aries

This paper aims to present a tool-supported approach for visualising personas as social goal models, which can subsequently be used to identify security tensions.

Users’ perception of cybersecurity, trust and cloud computing providers’ performance

Hongjiang Xu, Sakthi Mahenthiran

This study aims to develop a scale to measure the cloud provider’s performance and it investigates the factors that impact that performance from the users’ perspective.

Factors affecting organizational adoption and acceptance of computer-based security awareness training tools

Laila Dahabiyeh

As insiders remain to be a main reason behind security breaches, effective information security awareness campaigns become critical in protecting organizations from security…

Exploring potential gender differences in information security and privacy

Tanya McGill, Nik Thompson

Information technology users often fail to adopt necessary security and privacy measures, leading to increased risk of cybercrimes. There has been limited research on how…

Predicting information security culture among employees of telecommunication companies in an emerging market

Nurul Asmui Azmi Md Azmi, Ai Ping Teoh, Ali Vafaei-Zadeh, Haniruzila Hanifah

The purpose of this study is to examine factors, which influence information security culture among employees of telecommunications companies. The motivation for this study was…

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  • Prof Steven Furnell