Industrial Robot: Volume 26 Issue 1


The international journal of robotics research and application

Table of contents

RobotScript™: the introduction of a universal robot programming language

John Lapham

The flexibility of a robot system comes from its ability to be programmed. How the robot is programmed is a main concern of all robot users. A good mechanical arm can be…


GENERIS: the EC‐JRC generalised software control system for industrial robots

Emilio Ruiz Morales

This paper presents an overview of the main features of GENERIS, a generalised software control system for industrial robots developed by the EC‐JRC and financed by the…

A neural architecture for autonomous learning

P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, J.P. Banquet, A. Revel, S. Lepretre, S. Moga

Psychology and neurobiology nowadays provide a large amount of precise information on visual system function. This information can be used in the design of autonomous systems…

A new robot command library which includes simulation

Giles Tewkesbury, David Sanders

A new type of high‐level robot command library is presented, which can be viewed as a marriage between simulation and control. The library commands contain simulations of the…


Designing for human‐robot symbiosis

D.M. Wilkes, A. Alford, M.E. Cambron, T.E. Rogers, R.A. Peters, K. Kawamura

For the past ten years, the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory (IRL) at Vanderbilt University has been developing service robots that interact naturally, closely and safely with…

DRAMA, a connectionist architecture for online learning and control of autonomous robots: experiments on learning of a synthetic proto‐language with a doll robot

Aude Billard

Currently, academic as well as industrial research investigates the design of social skills for a robot, which could facilitate the robot’s interaction with humans. Work in this…

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  • Dr Dimitrios Chrysostomou